Contact us

La Pagézie in Sarlat la Canéda

contact us

* En cochant cette case, j'accepte les conditions particulières ci-dessous**

* Mandatory fields **The personal data communicated is necessary for the purpose of contacting you. They are intended for La Pagézie and its subcontractors. You have rights of access, rectification, erasure, portability, limitation, opposition, withdrawal of your consent at any time and the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority, as well as than to organize the fate of your post-mortem data. You can exercise these rights by post to the address rte de Temniac 24200 Sarlat la Canéda, or by e-mail to the address hotel-pagezie[@]wanadoo[.]fr. You may be asked for proof of identity. We keep your data during the contact period and then for the period of legal prescription for probative purposes and litigation management.

Locate us

Intervention Zone

The Hotel *** La Pagézie welcomes you to Sarlat, in the Dordogne department, in the heart of the Périgord Noir. To get to the establishment, head towards the Center Hospitalier. Climb to the top of the Ravat coast, the establishment is on the left, 20m below.


Hôtel de la Pagézie SARL 1219 rte Temniac, 24200 Sarlat la Canéda

Further information

Means of payment

Bank checks American Express card Carte Bleue Carte Bleue Visa Eurocard / MasterCard Maestro card Chèque-Vacances Cash

Spoken languages

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